
Showing posts from January, 2018

If the slipper fits.

You already know what's coming but I can promise you this will be 'wheely' good...  If you read the previous blog entry about slotting the CBR600 F3 front end on: you will have already seen the above image giving you the shocking sneak preview that I intended to fit a CBR600 F3 rear wheel to the VFR750 too! The 18" OEM wheel shares the same spindle size, making this mod fairly easy. This was dropped out and sold on then slotted into the back of the VFR. It is very nearly as simple as that. The chain lines up nicely with the original left spacer leaving only the right side spacing and the rear brake caliper to sort for a really straight forward mod. Of course it could not be that simple and straight forward or the forums wouldn't be full of unanswered questions and half assed descriptions of other peoples solutions. The back brake The simplest answer is to reduce the size of the VFR's caliper bracket so it can line up with the CBR600 wheels smaller di...